Along the road trip there are places that are a “must see”.
One of the best parts of traveling, whether it be on the road in your home country
or completely on the other side of the world is the fact that you see so many
things that aren’t necessarily on the map or qualify as “road trip worthy”.
Route 66 PC- JDStylos |
The Grand Canyon is not one of those unexpected sights. We
awoke and took our time driving to Arizona towards the Grand Canyon. Along the way, on another interstate filled
with large trucks and cars much faster than ours. Joe quickly pointed out a
sign on the right side of the road with an arrow pointing to the “Old Historic
Route 66”. We pulled off the next exit and hit the road that so many before us
drove. We later found out that the
stretch that we decided to drive just so happens to be the longest intact
stretch of the original road.
PC JDStylos |
Eventually Route 66 joined back to highway 40 and we drove
the rest of the way to the Grand Canyon. I had never been to the canyon, but
Joe has. He had warned me of not the immense beauty I was about to see but the
immense crowds we were about to encounter. By this time we had been to five
national parks but none would compare to the crowds we saw when we drove into
the park. Thousands of people. Parking was the most stressful part of the day.
We lucked out with a spot near the visitor’s center and fought the crowds to
the edge of the canyon. There are some things that you can’t help looking at
and saying “WOW” and one of those sights for me was The Grand Canyon. Joe just
so happened to get a picture of the look on my face when I looked over the edge
for the first time.
PC JDStylos |
After taking in the view for a little bit we hurried over to
a “Geology Talk” that one of the park rangers was giving. We joined a whole
group of eager people to learn a smidge about of what we were actually looking
at. Joe and I had talked about how we wished we had a geologist who could tell
us some about the rocks we were climbing on and this talk gave us a bit of
insight into just that. Though one of the coolest parts of the talk wasn’t the
talk itself but as we were all listening a full
grown male Big Horn Sheep ran
right through the presentation and hundreds of people.
We camped just outside the park in the national forest and
woke up the next morning to a big thunder storm and big fluffy snowflakes
starting to cover the ground. We tried to go back to the park to watch the
informational video in the visitor’s center only to be disappointed by an “out
of service” sign. So we hit the road and drove through a snowy pass before
getting to Flagstaff and doing some climbing research in the library. We packed our stuff up and kept on heading
south towards Phoenix. We camped just outside of town and once we woke up in
the morning we headed into a town called Tempe to grab a small guidebook then
headed to Queens Creek Canyon.
Joe! PC JDStylos |
Queens Creek is full of rock called “
volcanic tuff”,
which we had yet to climb on. We arrived in the
afternoon and spent most of the first day just getting our bearings of the area
but we did get a chance to climb a little bit. The first climb we did was a bit
of a chimney that then climbed left up an
arête. Neither
of us were a fan of the route, difficult for a 5.7. We moseyed down to arguably
the most popular 5.7 and 5.8 routes of the whole area. Joe led them first and
quickly came to the conclusion either the rock was graded quite hard or we are
just becoming worse climbers. Similar to Joshua Tree the 5.7 was much more like
a 5.9. We finished on a “5.8” with a very hard start. Once you pulled yourself
up and over the bulge most of your energy was gone but you still had 50ft to go
but luckily with only one trickier spot with not much for holds it ended up
being probably our favorite of the three routes we did.
PC JDStylos |
Queens Creek has free camping at a place called “Oak Flats”
that is literally 3 minutes down the canyon. Free with tables and a bathroom it
was most definitely one of our favorite camp spots. Plus when we woke up in the
morning it was a quick drive to the climbs. We hiked up to the spot we had
picked out the day before and started climbing. Unsurprisingly the climbs
seemed to be 2 grades harder than the book suggested but we climbed anyways. Joe set
up his camera on the tri-pod to get some photos of us climbing which we haven’t
been able to get a ton of us since you can’t really do if you’re
climbing/belaying. The routes were all fairly difficult and had really hard
starts which untimely tired us out much quicker than we were expecting. I
finished the day after four climbs on a cool arête and Joe finished on a short,
very difficult 5.9. By the time I had finished climbing my fingers were bright
red (which we like to call “toasty tips”) and the top layers of my skin weren’t
there anymore.
Thanksgiving morning arrived and we said goodbye to Queens
Creek and we drove down to Tucson and got our nicest hotel to date. A little more expensive
than we have paid in the past but well worth it.
PC JDStylos |
Our original plan was to try
to find a pizza and enjoy it in the hotel. After looking and looking,
everything was closed except for grocery stores. So we ended up getting a
frozen lasagna, tikka masala and ice cream for our thanksgiving meal. Wasn’t too
bad compared to our single pineapple we had gotten the year before in Nicaragua!
After eating, swimming, enjoying a movie on the TV we both fell asleep. I
quickly woke up in the middle of the night with my stomach protesting what I assume
was the ice cream. Since the only dairy I’ve had in the last month and a half
has been cheese. Not a bad place to be for a sick and sleepless night.
PC JDStylos |
We got up in the morning and I was feeling a bit better so
we enjoyed our free hotel breakfast and decided to go get the oil changed on
the car since we’ve hit over 5000 miles. While we were there we decided to get
a new tire to replace the one on the back of the car that had finally popped.
Killing two birds with one stone and feeling like we spent a lot of money we
spent the rest of the day at Saguaro National Park and attempted to get some
sunset photos before driving up to Mt. Lemmon where we hoped to get some
climbing in.
The road to the camping was twisty, long and seemed to go up
forever. Starting the drive at 2000+ feet we finally found a place to camp at
over 8,600+feet. It was cold but nice to be somewhere other than the desert. We
awoke in the morning with full intentions of going climbing but with an
overcast sky and a slight breeze we opted to take full advantage of perfect hiking
weather and go hike!
PC JDStylos |
It had felt like we hadn’t hiked in forever. We trekked
along on the Butterfly Peak Trail and unlike most trails this one quickly went
down. For miles we hiked gradually downhill before we got to a fork in the road
and we had read in the trail description online that if you take the opposite
trail you might be able to find the remnants of an old plane crash. So we went on the trail less traveled and soon arrived to just that. Not much was left of the old F-86 Sabre but the engine and some random metal pieces remained. You can read the story of the wreck
HERE. Most of
the hikes we do lead to summits and good views so it was a fun hike to
something neither of us had seen before. We ate some lunch and started hiking
back up all the gradual hills we had come down. By the time we got back to the
car it had been a little over 9 miles but with such gradual grade it was extremely
PC JDStylos |
We went back to our camp and spent the next day doing
something we had yet to do, which was not drive the car. We made a fire and
played with the trad gear on some boulders and spent the day vegging next to
the heat. We had planned again to go climbing, but with the weather being too
cold and us feeling lazy it made for a perfect place to rest.
Throughout the night we listened to the sound of snowflakes
hit the metal of the car and awoke in the morning to about 5 inches of fresh
snow surrounding the us. We were the first car to leave the camping area
(there was only one other). Breaking ground, it took us a couple of attempts to
get the car through the dip into our camp sight but eventually after turning
around we got out and drove the slippery road back into the desert.
PC JDStylos |
Back in Phoenix, it was still just above freezing and we
happened to be the only car in town with snow all over it. We made our way to the PIMA Air and Space Museum where we arrived just after opening to get our tickets for the “
Boneyard” tour We spent the
morning listening to a walking tour of the first hanger. 11:30 rolled around
and we all hopped on a bus that took us into the boneyard. The tour showed us
over 35 billion dollars’ worth of aircraft being stored, salvaged and torn
apart. We arrived back to the museum and spent the rest of our day walking
around the other hangers and listening to our third tour of the day. I have
been to plenty of air museums coming from a military family but have yet to be
at one from opening to closing.
PC JDStylos |
That evening we were treated to a steak dinner from my
parents even though we are 1,100 miles away. Only our second time eating out on
the whole trip and with it being awhile since either of us had a steak we
drooled over a warm meal cooked to perfection. Steak, potatoes and dessert
filled our bellies and we started to drive towards New Mexico.
Looking at the weather it’s much colder than either of us
were hoping. With the high in Southern New Mexico to be 51 degrees for the next
few days, makes for cold climbing. Cold fingers on rock just don’t mix. Hopefully
this unusual weather will disappear and we will hit the crag sooner rather than
later before we start heading east.
Keep the blogs coming!! Nice to hear that you arent just being climbing rats, but also enjoying other awesome stuff. Im jealous!