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Once we had found some days that would work for both of us we started watching the weather. The weather seemed to be giving an opening around the 13th and 14th of July. So the trip was set to leave the afternoon of the 12th and hike up to base camp, stay at camp and go over all the necessary knowledge things on the 13th and head out for the summit on the 14th.
So with that packing and getting gear ready began. Just like anything your new at it can be overwhelming and a bit of struggle to actually get a grasp on what your getting yourself into. Joe started to pull all of the gear out of the closet and I started to realize why weight matters so much and that we were going to be packing all this garb up the mountain. After time spent getting everything together including the rope, gear, packs and food we loaded it up in the car for the next days departure.
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That night we had quite the visitor when we both awoke to what sounded like a mouse running around our tent. After moving everything around then eventually taking everything out and with no
luck we thought we were going crazy until the little beedy eyes of our rodent friend peeked up around me. After much persuasion he finally left the tent but needless to say it was quite the entertainment for the evening!
The next morning we woke up to a socked in mountain but I was ready to tackle the day and get started fine tuning the skills Joe had briefly taught me the last few months. We started with self arresting which I had done a little bit of on Mt. Ellinor while glissading down a couple months ago. Then went on to work on Crevasse rescue. Which we had done a little bit of on the farm along with watching some videos but honestly I felt like a deer in the headlights and was glad to be able to go over it a couple of times and be able to problem solve with someone who knows what they are doing. Later that afternoon we ended up roping up and
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After climbing down and making Annies Mac n Cheese (a staple for all outdoor adventures) for dinner we decided on the North Ridge. Quite the thought for my first idea of mountaineering but I think my saving grace was the fact that I really didn't know what I was going to see the next day.
We took some melatonin and set an alarm for 2:30 the morning of the 14th. With hopes to make it to the top of the hogsback at sunrise to see the glacier field. We left around 3:15 and made it to the top in about 50 minutes. The sun came up earlier than initially assumed, around 4:00AM. After making
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We made it to the top of our first steep hill and could not really tell where to go from here. The ridge was now to our right but the bridge to get there was steep, at an angle and something that I don't think I could mentally undertake at this point in time. We decided to keep going left of the ridge. After walking through old avalanche debris we started up our next grade. This is where it really sank in for me. We traded our trekking poles for an Ice Tool and started up. It was steep, and I didn't look down once. My body at this point was most definitely getting tired and mentally I knew that I was climbing pretty well but it probably wouldn't last for long. Joe had pointed out two other climbers that were now ascending the Ice Wall, and I knew that we had quite a climb to still get there and I was getting tired. We got to the point where we were able to see where the route headed back to the ridge and needed to decide whether or not to keep going. I knew that I could make it to the Ice Wall but what I didn't think I could do was be able to climb it successfully once we were there, and with that we decided to turn around. We made it to about 8500 ft.
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Going down the grades was no easy feat, Slow moving we made it safely back to camp and I sat down and was completely exhausted. But with the fact that we still had two hours of hiking still ahead of us just to get back to the car in the back of my mind. And honestly the hike back down was probably the most brutal part of the whole trip. Tired and aching feet I had yet to have the feeling of complete absolute muscle pain to the point of tears until this point. By the time I had gotten to the car I had made solid note of not to hike in mountaineering boots and leave them for the climbing of ice and mountains and leave the hiking boots to do the trail walking.
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Needless to say there are a few things I have learned from this trip.
One being that fitness matters, not only physically but mentally.
Knowing your strong suits and trusting the person your with.
I know for a fact there was no way I was going to be able to make it up that Ice Cliff that day but sure as hell doesn't mean I wont ever make it up..
Taking a deep breath and taking one more step is always a good idea.
Crevasses are fucking huge and not to be messed with.
And finally Im completely stoked on the sport of mountaineering and trying to better myself at it.
Im relatively new still to the sport of climbing in general. I had climbed for the first time ever the spring of last year, ice climbed for the first time this last winter and just ventured out and did my first trad climbing just a couple of weeks ago, then topping it off with the first mountaineering experience this last week. Needless to say its pretty awesome in a lot of ways, and Im stoked to learn more.
So grateful to my boyfriend Joe, who was beyond patient and willing to let me tag along on this trip. Thanks to him I'm hooked and ready to do it again! Hopefully one day there will be a trip report on The North Ridge with a summit picture!
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Let me be the first to say - I have no doubt you will achieve your goal. Discretion is the better part of valor, or something like that. Beautiful pictures, excellent writing. Hike on!
ReplyDeleteAs Joe's mom, who like all moms does her share of worrying, I can say that he has a great attitude towards climbing. I trust him and his judgement - that he would never push to do something unless he felt it was safe and doable for everyone on the climb. I think he has said to me something along the lines of it being about enjoying the climb - summiting is nice, but people get into trouble who put the desire to summit ahead of good climbing sense. He is a great person to learn from. I bet you will have a lot of fun climbing!
ReplyDeleteAs Joe's mom, who like all moms does her share of worrying, I can say that he has a great attitude towards climbing. I trust him and his judgement - that he would never push to do something unless he felt it was safe and doable for everyone on the climb. I think he has said to me something along the lines of it being about enjoying the climb - summiting is nice, but people get into trouble who put the desire to summit ahead of good climbing sense. He is a great person to learn from. I bet you will have a lot of fun climbing!