Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Dear Finn

Dear Finn.


 How do I put into words how much I love you? How can I ever thank you enough for the things you have done for me. I remember from day one you were just another horse. Sitting in the stall with your head out eating your hay, and little did I know that this would be the start of our journey
together? You came home with us and jumped the moon, and just blew us away with your kind spirit and simple attitude. You then went on to live out in a pasture and never really standing out, until the day we decided to start you into work. When it seemed like id have nothing to ride you just happened to come along. And one thing led to another and by the time I knew it you were mine, my first horse.
From the moment I sat on you, I knew you were different, and from that point forward you changed my life.  When I found out you were hurt I never thought that it would’ve led to this. We all thought you’d be back in a couple weeks, when recovery actually took 6 months. But when in reality those 6 months were the glue that held me together. When the world I knew came crumbling down into a million little pieces you were my constant. You taught me how to love and communicate with a horse without riding them. Our bond was made stronger from the time we spent rehabbing you. I will never know as much disappointment in my life again I don’t think. Watching you fall again and watching my dreams with you come crumbling down more than once. But at the end of the day it was still you.
My Finny.

 If it weren’t for you Finn, I would’ve given it all up. The years of practice and hard work would’ve gone down the drain. And without you relationships would’ve been burned forever. And without you, relationships would’ve never been lit. You tried 110% every day. And little did I know that you would be trying your heart out for me until the very end.
You and I,  
Finn and Katie.
I’ve never known a relationship like ours. You are so much more than a horse. A friend, a mentor, my dreams, my reality, my everything. Every waking moment I see you and think of what’s next on the list of goals. How can I ever thank you for everything. But most of all Finn, I hope that now and forever more you know that I did everything I absolutely could do for us. I hope that you know I never wanted this and that you know that I’m doing this so pain never grabs your beautiful soul. And I hope that when you cross that beautiful bridge into heaven that would be one of my guardian angels. And I pray that when I come your way, that you will be waiting at the gates, like you do here on earth. Life is never fair, and I’m so incredibly sad that our time together was so short. But in a way its like we have been together for a long time, you and i. And further more I pray that you and I will be together forever. God put you in my life for many reasons.  I’m so incredibly thankful for
that. Finn, thank you for walking those 3 socks, crooked blaze, and quirky personality into my life. And I hope that I did half of the things for you that you did for me. Most importantly, I want you to know that this isn’t a goodbye… but a see you later. And please Finny, don’t forget to show off that beautiful smile.


Rest in paradise my beautiful boy. I love you forever.
May 22nd 2009 - August 8th 2014


  1. Oh Katie my heart still breaks for you. What beautiful words you wrote about beautiful memories. Take the time to heal and don't rush yourself. Sending you hugs.

  2. A beautiful tribute to a beautiful horse. I know he's in good company up there.

  3. I am so sorry for your heartbreaking loss, Katie. But I am really glad that you and Finn met. I am sure he knew how much you loved him, and he responded to that love. He was a wonderful horse.
